Wondering what some of the demos and ideas are going to be at the Open House on July 26th? Well -- how about I share a few sneak peeks here and there over the next couple of weeks! ;o)
I will be demonstrating the AMAZING Quick Curve Ruler by Sew Kind of Wonderful. I have played with this ruler for the past year or so and recently had the opportunity to take a class from Jenny Pedigo and Helen Robinson at the Small Town Quilt Show in Midway, Utah. Their ruler and patterns are amazing. They have taken a tedious job of sewing with curves and made it quick and simple. Their quilts are fabulous!
This ruler does it all! Imagine a ruler that you cut curves with and square up your blocks all in one. (Trust me every quilter needs one).
Photo taken from Sew Kind of Wonderful blog, picture of their booth at Small Town Quilt Show
Urban Chained |
Metro Rings |
Metro Rings from Bonnie & Camille fabric |
Poinsettia runner |
Metro Lattice |
Urban Holiday |
Urban Birthday |
Metro Hoops |
Hope you don't mind the picture overload. I could seriously look at these quilts for hours on end. Love the design and the quilting! Visit their blog at
http://sewkindofwonderful.blogspot.com/ for more inspiration. Jenny and Helen have opened up a whole new world with the Quick Curve Ruler. Whether your are a modern, contemporary or traditional quilter, the possibilities are endless.
The demonstration for the Quick Curve Ruler will take place at 1:00 p.m. on July 26th. There will also be a small trunk show as Jenny and Helen have graciously agreed to send some of their quilts for me to share with you. You are going to be wowed!!!
P.S. Rulers and patterns will be available for purchase ;o)
Where will you demo be? I love your new blog and I am seriously in awe of your talent!!! So good to see you and wish we had found a minute to chat! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!